Religion and Science

Psilocybin and Mystical Experience event

Video: Psilocybin and Mystical Experience: Implications for Healthy Psychological Functioning, Spirituality, and Religion

September 30, 2020

This presentation reviewed a series of studies investigating the effects of psilocybin administered to carefully screened and psychologically prepared volunteers who were encouraged to close their eyes and direct their attention inwards. Under such conditions, psilocybin occasions profound personally and spiritually meaningful mystical-type experiences in the majority of participants.

Ahmed Ragab

Audio: Islamic Hospitals in Medieval Egypt and the Levant

July 26, 2015

From Baghdad to Cairo to Edirne, hospitals were major and integral components of medieval and early modern Islamic cities. But what role did they play in these cities and their societies? In this podcast, Professor Ahmed Ragab examines the history and significance of hospitals in Mamluk Egypt and Syria.