Francis Clooney

Francis X. Clooney

Enlightenment Here

March 29, 2018
"Enlightenment is all the brighter on the more richly diverse common ground where we meet every kind of believer and non-believer," writes Professor Frank Clooney in a rebuttle to Steven Pinker's new book Enlightenment Now.
Professor Francis Clooney

An Angry Jesus for Our Times?

November 7, 2017
In today’s political climate, everything is taking on a hostile and confrontational tone. We are increasingly alienated, unable and unwilling to understand and respect one another anymore, writes Professor Frank Clooney.

Books on Repeat

May 22, 2017

Francis Clooney, director of the Center for the Study of World Religions, shares the piece of literature he has reread the most, and what about it that keeps him coming back.

Professor Francis X. Clooney, S.J.

The CSWR Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

May 16, 2017

Professor Francis X. Clooney, S.J. is Parkman Professor of Divinity and outgoing director of the Center for the Study of World Religions, which he has led since July 2010. Matthew Weinstein, a second-year master of divinity degree candidate, spoke to Professor Clooney, one of the world’s leading experts on comparative theology, about his tenure as director of the Center and the role it has had and can have within Harvard and the wider world.... Read more about The CSWR Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
