Graduate Profile: Lesedi Graveline, MTS '21

May 18, 2021
Graduate Profile: Lesedi Graveline, MTS '21
Lesedi Graveline, MTS '21 / Courtesy photo

HDS communications reached out to our 2021 graduating students to hear from them in their own words about their experiences at HDS, the people who've helped and inspired them along their grad school journeys, and their plans for the future.

Memorable Moment

I want to start this by saying something profound like “it all went by so fast” but the truth is, it didn’t. Most of my experience in graduate school has been spent in my bedroom sitting in front of a computer screen. 

Every day was a struggle as I woke up to the news of COVID-19 deaths rising across the country and yet another slaying of an innocent Black life. Frankly, my time at HDS was not what I was expecting. But I must say, I still wouldn’t take any of it back.

I came into Harvard thinking that my time here would transform me (and my resume) into some unstoppable, prolific, brilliant scholar. I thought I had started empty and with nothing to say and that Harvard would fill me up with all of the things I “should” say. I didn’t know that who I was and who I am, is always enough.

Experiencing graduate school during a pandemic forced me to question how I was previously measuring my self-worth. Honestly, I was measuring it with what I was doing and not the choices I make every day that make me who I am.

The thing is, I did have something to say. It was about being in the right spaces, surrounded by the right people, and being placed in the right situation that would unlock a part of myself that I didn’t even know existed. I suppose for me, this meant taking classes about forgiveness, abolition, ethics, womanism, collective healing, storytelling, and more.

The past two years have been an unforgiving time to say the least. I don’t have nearly as many answers as I thought I would, but I’ve found an immense amount of joy in meeting the most phenomenal people and asking all of the right questions.

Messages of Thanks

I would not have been able to make it through without a few people who I need to mention. Thank you to my classmates who kept me afloat (those who’ve already graduated, are graduating, and who will graduate) Eboni, Anna, Alejandra, Najha, Khadija, Sarah, Kayla, and so many more.

Thank you to my professors, Terry, Kaia, Dr. Jojo, and Dr. Parmigiani, who helped me navigate the deep wells of my creativity and scholarship.

Thank you Bliss, Liv, Sophie, and Katie for loving me unconditionally.

Thank you to my ride or dies, Gabby and Jacqueline.

Thank you to my mother for always being willing to discern and dream with me.

Most of all, thank you to the person who believes in me infinitely, my dad.

Future Plans

At Harvard, I was able to be part of the Office of Student Life as a Graduate Assistant, Freedom School: A Seminar on Theory and Praxis for Black Studies in the U.S. as a co-editor, Harvard College as a Proctor and Academic Advisor for first-year students, and HDS Harambee: Students of African Descent as Co-Vice President of Communications.

My future plans are still to be determined, but I know that wherever I go and wherever I end up, I will take with me the lessons I learned at HDS. I’ll share one now to end this: If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. Congratulations Class of 2021! We made it!